Gaming on the Cheap!


Maybe I should have called this "editorial." Yes, you can download games off of peer to peer sites and download sites - but why?

I know, "I get them free, don't have to give money to greedy companies, power to the people!" Uh huh.

There are times I don't like large companies either. I remember being thoroughly annoyed at Microsoft buying (and gutting) Bungie, at... oh, I forget the parent company, but the one that pumped money into the stinker known as Daikatana while letting Looking Glass Studios die, and at Vivendi for wanting to control Blizzard so much that much of their talent left.

Yet the big companies arent' the ones who get hurt. The programmers, artists, and designers, the people who stay at work 'til 1 AM bug-hunting, or because they love their job and just have to get that one part right, the ones trying to raise families are the ones who get hurt. Fewer sales = less income = fewer jobs... and eventually, fewer companies making games, and fewer games to be had.

Aside from that, look at what you lose. Many of these "cracked" games no longer have in-game video or music (which really diminishes the experience.) They definitely don't come with technical support from the company - and you really won't get it from 133+-h4X0r who cracked it. Worse, it might well contain a trojan or other virus, which could cost you far more than the $50 the game itself would have.

I understand the "I don't have the money," but there are other ways. Nag publishers to freely distribute abandoned games. Wait 'til they're in the bargain bin to pick them up. Wait for Christmas or a birthday. Just don't steal them. It hurts everyone in the end.